Monday, January 19, 2009

1 hour

12th July 2007, a normal working day.
Started the day wif delicious breakfast. Reached office on time. Greet colleagues wif a common word - sawadeekrub. Yes, i was working in Thailand. Working in Bangkok, the in capital of Thailand.
A lot of work to be done. Was not easy as i can't read Thais. Always bring the document to local colleagues for translation. Doing calculation for material n cost base of construction drawings...
But i still manage to steal some time to chat wif friend using msn. Hahaha.

The busy n fun end...
Around 4.30pm, I received a call from my sis ask me to do preparation.
1 hour later, she called again.
My beloved father pass away.
I was like a stone. I stood there. I din't cry. I don't know what to react with the news. Then, my mind told me to inform my manager. My manager, Mr. Ng YP expressed his condolence, ask me to put aside all the work n go back to Kuala Lumpur.
I took my passport from the office admin, Muay. The other colleague, Ning offer herself to fetch me to Suvarnabhumi airport. The traffic was a bit jam. There were 4 of us inside the Honda Jazz. Ning was the driver, i was sitting on the left. Muay n Chin siiting at the rear sits. We din't speak much. My mind was no there...
All the happy n sad moment wif my dad flashed in my mind. From the 1st memory in childhood till he was diagnosed as a pakinson's disease patient. Everything about us came into my mind in milisecond. His smile n laugh, his angry face. But i seldom saw his sad n savour moment, until he caught into the disease. A good father will always keep the sadness n savour moment for himself. Keep it away from family.He was always be there in the process of my life. Gave his guidance n shared his experiece. Contributed his best to the family.
The last time I talked to him was few weeks b4 he pass away. I talked to him over the phone on his birthday. I wished him happy birthday. He was so happy. Although he can't speak clearly cos by the feeding tube placed in his nose. But i still can heard him told me to take care myself. Dun worry about him. He said he is ok. The family members take care him well.

Still not reached the airport? Why Ning drove so slow?
These question ran into my mind...
But deep inside my heart, I knew the answer.
The airport was not far. Ning was not driving slow.
Because my heart pump so fast. I wan to be home so desparated.
The longest 1 hour that i ever had.
I tried to hide my tears n nernous. I made jokes in the car. N they just laugh wif me.

Finally, the airport was in our view. Ning search for the car park. The car was parked. I open the door. When I stepped my feet to the ground, oh my god! I can't felt my feet. I was nervous. It was late. Am I able to catch the nite flight? We went to every counter to ask 4 flight. Airasia, Thai Airways, MAS... Luck not on my side. At last, I bought the earliest flight for the next day from Airasia counter. The 3 angels bought me a delicious dinner b4 fetch me back to my hostel.

There can b only 1. My only beloved father.
There can b only 3. My 3 angels, Ning, Muay n Chin.

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